From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking.
Ephesians 4:16,17
Nothing builds itself. It takes equipment, tools, people, and experience to put up a building. It takes lots of time, talent, and resources to build a car. It takes seed, soil, fertilizer, rain, and sunlight to grow vegetables.
But when it comes to God’s people being built in love, we have a role to play. We each have a part. We each have work to do.
When something is joined together, the different pieces fit tightly together. Each piece was made to do the job it was designed for. It has an individual role to play. It has its own purpose. But it doesn’t stop there.
Not only was each piece made for its own job, it was also designed to rightly and tightly fit next to the pieces its next to. Each piece has an individual role to play. But it also has a role in the overall design. In the bigger picture.
And while this joining is going on, the whole body is being held together. The pieces are being brought together. Combined in the right way. In the right order. They are interconnected, intertwined.
Think about boarding a plane. You can’t board a plane in advance. Individually, you get in line. You move along with the line. You wait your turn. You take your seat. Everyone is still an individual, but they each have their part to play.
I have so many stories of how people didn’t work together as they boarded a plane. I’ve been pushed, prodded, and shoved. One time I was knocked to the floor by someone swinging a heavy bag into the overhead luggage compartment.
But no matter your status. No matter how much you paid. You still have to walk onto the plane by yourself. No one can do it for you. There’s someone in front and in back. You have to board yourself; no one can be your substitute.
And as you get in line. As you board. Once you’re inside. You’re never alone.
You have to do it as you’re living. You do it in real time. And the same is true with your being part of the body of Christ. No one can do it for you. You can’t just show up for the goodies and then leave when there’s work to be done. You can’t just come for all the blessings and then head for the exit when things get a little difficult. Or even a lot difficult.
You see, the idea is that the body of Christ is currently being joining together, right now. And, at the same time, while it’s being joined, it’s also currently being held together, right now.
And while all this is going on, the body is building itself in love. For people to come together, to be joined together, to be held together, there must be love. No amount of glue, rules, or even bribery, will bring and hold people together. There must be something more. There must be love.
All these individuals must want nothing but the best for everyone else in the body. That’s what love is. God’s kind of love. It was this kind of love that motivated God the Father to send his one and only Son into the world[1]. It’s who he is[2].
God’s kind of love wants more than for people to be comfortable. God’s love takes action and wants them to grow in Christ. Sometimes that comes through a cup of cold water. Or a kind word of encouragement. Sometimes it’s through a strong, swift kick to get them moving.
Yes, love does come from God[3]. But it’s not just something we soak in, enjoying its healing powers over our tired and broken soul. But it’s also how we connect with one another. Interact with one another. Encourage one another. Work with one another. Support one another.
The body builds itself in love. Yes, God is there with that building up process. But it doesn’t stop there. The body builds itself too. That means that you have a part to play in building the body. You receive being built up. But you also are to be in the business of building others up too.
So, how are you doing when it comes to building? Are you being built up? Are you building others up? Are you being built up more than you’re building others up? Do you see yourself as someone needing to be built up? Or do you think that you’re beyond that?
You need your brothers and sisters. They need you. We need to be building each other up.
Noodling Questions
How has God joined and held you together in love?
What’s your responsibility in the building up in love?
What are the parts that God wants you to play? To do?