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Friday-Giving is Right and Fair


Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven.


Colossians 4:1[1]


Everyone, and I mean everyone, wants to be treated fairly. From the time we’re just able to start thinking about others, to the last hours of our lives, we want to be treated just like everyone else.


When it comes to waiting in line, most of the time we’re willing to wait. At least for a while. Not for ever, but we generally are ready to wait our turn. And in these days when lines are only getting longer and longer, greater patience while waiting is needed more than ever.


Waiting in a physical line with people that you can actually see easier than waiting in line on the phone. At least while you wait in line with real people you can talk with your neighbor. But when you’re waiting to talk with customer service on the phone, there’s absolutely nothing to do but wait. You’re in phone jail and it’s just plain boring.


Some companies play music. But when you’ve heard the same song for the 14th time, it just aggravates the living daylights out of us. Others play a recorded message that tells you how great the company is and how important you and your call are. But as you’re sitting there and dust starts to cover you, you wonder just how much they really care.


Of course, all bets are off when someone jumps in front of us. If you want to see a mass riot, just watch when someone walks to the front of a line. Immediately, people start grumbling and yelling. After all, why does that person think they have the right to just stroll by and get help while we’ve been waiting patiently?


Yes, most of us are willing to wait because we want to be treated fairly. No better, no worse. Actually, that’s not true and we know it. We really want to be treated better than the next person. Or, to be even more honest, we want to be treated better than everyone else. That same feeling and attitude was felt by the masters, the bosses of the first century. That’s why Paul’s message to the Colossians was to revolutionary. So wildly different and better than the “normal” of his day.


Paul doesn’t just say to the masters that it’s a good idea to give. Or that it’s just another thing on some nice-to-do checklist. No he commands it. There’s no option or way out. There’s no other way to treat people than to give. The focus of their lives it to be all about sharing what they have. They’re to live minute-by-minute with the thought that everything is a gift to be shared with as many people as possible.


So, since they receive everything from God, one of the best ways to be a God imitator in this life is to give. He reminds them that they came naked into the world. They brought nothing along when they were born and they’re taking nothing with them when they die.[2]


It doesn’t matter how much or little the masters and bosses have, or anyone for that matter. Our attitude is to be one of giving. Giving is to be the default setting of life. We should be planning and creatively thinking about how to give. How to give more. And how to give even more.


Life’s not about hording or putting away as much money, stocks, bonds, real estate, jewelry, and baseball cards as possible. Our purpose isn’t to be found in getting more and more. It’s found in giving away as much as possible.


When we give, when we treat people with equality and dignity, people will sit up and take notice. They just can’t help it. Even our enemies can’t deny the facts. They may not like it, but there’s no denying what we’re doing.


One of the fiercest persecutors of early Christians was Emperor Julian. Even he had to admit that there were more and more Christians because of “their loving service” to strangers. He went on to say that they “care not only for their own poor but for ours as well.” I don’t know about you, but I hang my head in shame at how the Christian community is seen. Seen by professional and social media. Seen in our communities and neighborhoods. Seen by our family members.


There’s only one cure, and that’s to give. To give not only to Christian charities but to others as well. Give our time. Give our money. Give our talents. Give our abilities. Give and then give again.


God gave his only begotten son[3]. God gives us everything we need[4]. God gives freely and generously[5]. I could go on and on. But you get the point. God is a giving God. He gave and he continues to give today and into all eternity. It’s part of who he is. We give because he first gave to us. Isn’t it time to do the right and fair thing? To give. We’re not giving what we deserve. All we’re doing is passing along what we’ve already received.


Noodling Questions


  • How upset do you get when life’s not right or fair? Why?

  • Explain how you are right and fair with everyone.

  • How has God been right and fair with us?

[1] Unless otherwise noted, all Bible references are from the New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

[2] Job 1:21

[3] John 3:16

[4] Philippians 4:19

[5] James 1:5

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