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People need hope more than ever. As followers of Jesus, we have this promise in Colossians 1:27.....CLICK HERE


In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.

Ephesians 1:11,12

Just hearing the word inheritance can bring up a flood of emotions, thoughts, and memories.

  • First, an inheritance is nothing that anyone has earned. They receive an inheritance because of who they belong to. Most people get money, property, and things because who they were born to. No one had a hand in that. No one has a choice into what family they belong. Now sometimes, people outside the family receive an inheritance. But again, it’s usually not because of what they’ve done.

  • Second, an inheritance only comes after someone dies. The owner has the money, the property, and stocks. There is no question to who they belong. And then all of a sudden, they belong to someone else. It took a death for these things to belong to someone else. While they were alive, their ownership was the same. But once dead, they immediately belonged to another.

  • Third, there is a written document. It’s official. It outlines who gets what, and how much. It’s not left to chance; it’s thought through and written in a legal document.

After my brother tragically died, I went through this process with my parents. Their will was 40 years old and needed a lot of work. I sat down with them and my beloved cousin, who’s an attorney, and we walked through it all. At the end, we had six new legal documents that needed to be signed, witnessed, notarized.

I know that some of you are not comfortable with the word chosen in the Bible. Or the idea of predestination. But I’m here to help you better understand who God is and what chosen and predestined means.

The idea of being chosen is the same idea as receiving an inheritance. We did nothing to deserve it. We did nothing to earn it. We were born into it. It’s his divine purpose to bring us to himself. It comes out of his will.

The God who chose and predestined is the same God who created the universe. The God who chooses and predestines is the same God who went to the cross.

That alone can put our hearts and minds to rest. This holy God, who created us, does what it takes to bring us back to himself. He doesn’t delegate it to someone. He doesn’t send an angel or some other spiritual being. No, God almighty does it himself. He takes on our debt. He pays the price.

Another way to think about this is that through Jesus, we’ve been taken into his inheritance. We've become part what’s given. We are transferred out from the kingdom of darkness. And where did we wind up?

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

1 Peter 2:9

We’ve been brought into the light. But not just any light, God’s light. And not just God’s light, but God’s wonderful light. God’s wonderful light changes everything.

Once in God’s wonderful light, we can see like we’ve never been able to see before. His wonderful light reveals things that were right there in front of us, but we were blind to them. What was there all along is now seen, lit up because of who God is and what he’s done.

But it doesn’t just impact our sight. God’s wonderful light changes us. It changes who we are. We now also share in his wonderful light. It changes us from the inside out. As we become his children, in Jesus, his wonderful light makes us children of the light[1].

All this is offered to you and everyone. All that’s required is to believe[2]. God is not looking for you to climb a mountain, or to accomplish anything for that matter. You don’t even have to download an app. It’s all there for the asking, but you do have to ask.

God is a gentleman. He will not jam himself down anyone’s throat. He extends his hand. But will you receive? Will you receive his inheritance?

Noodling Questions

  • How can you experience God’s inheritance today? In the future?

  • What is stopping you from believing that you are God’s special possession?

  • How can you look for God’s wonderful light in your life?

[1] 1 Thessalonians 5:5 [2] John 3:15

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