And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.
Colossians 4:3,4
My parents liked playing cards. Once a month they’d either go out or invite people over to play all sorts of cards game. And one of the things that made it interesting is that betting was involved. Everyone showed up with a jar of pennies that they bet with.
Whenever we played cards at home, we’d also play with pennies. One penny was just a bet. A two-penny wager was a serious bet. But when you bet three pennies, you were saying, “Stay out of my way because I’ve got a monster winning hand. Don’t mess with me!” As you can see, three pennies were a big bet for me.
I’m not a betting kind of guy. Never have been, never will be. If you’re looking for proof, you should download the security video footage from my visits to Las Vegas casinos during conventions.
My time at the tables was always short. I mostly just walked through the casino area to the convention center. But to get a free cup of coffee, I might sit down at the bar and gamble a while. I enjoyed talking to the bartender while the bets were always, always, always small.
But even with this as background, I’m certain enough to wager all the money in my pockets that we’ve heard someone say something like these immortal words,
“My door is always open. You can come to me any time and say anything.”
Anyone foolish enough to actually walk into their office got exactly what they deserved. If you have to say it out loud, then it’s a phony offer. No, you invite people to come and talk through your everyday words and actions.
Paul’s saying the same thing to the Colossians. He’s asking for God to open doors so that more and more people can hear about Jesus. God’s the one who creates opportunities for him to speak and for people to hear.
Paul’s open door starts with how he treats people each and every day. If he’s rude or angry, then who’s going to stick around long enough to listen. If he only likes to yell and scream, no one will want to listen or give him the time of day.
You see, God opening doors for his truth to be spoken starts with whether or not we believe it. When we truly let Jesus inside, forgiving us our sins, he changes us from the inside out. He makes us like himself.
And what sort of guy was Jesus?
He was willing to do the unusual. Before coming to this crummy planet, he was God Almighty. From eternity past he was worship and glorified. He made the universe and everything in it. He then came as an unknown traveling teacher with no money in his pock. How much more unusual can you get?
He was willing to be humble. He didn’t come as a king. He didn’t come as a great warrior. He wasn’t even born in a great city. His parents and upbringing was low beyond belief. He didn’t travel first class or have lots of servants handling his every wish. How much more humble can you get?
He was willing to be kind. He had all the authority to take over the government and religions institutions of his time. Instead, he spent most of his time with uneducated fisherman and the kind of people that we would walk away from. How much more kind can you get?
He was willing to be our sacrifice. His main purpose in coming to planet Earth was to die for our sins. Not to pay for something he did, but for us and our sin. And instead of running away from tragedy and torture, he willingly gave himself up. How much more of a sacrifice can you be?
Paul saw and believed all this and more about Jesus. He was a faithful follower and apostle. And for all his hard work and obedience to God, what was his reward? What bonus did he receive in his paycheck? He was arrested and thrown in a Roman jail.
Now this is where it gets interesting. Instead of getting angry at God, Paul happily wants to reach the people that are around him. Most people would get bitter and resentful at God. They’d lash out at God in prayer.
This would wash over onto how he treated people too. Normally a guy with all this going against him wouldn’t be the kind of man that you’d want dating your daughter. They’d be mad at God and the world. You’d see it in their face and in their voice. Their actions would be ones that turn people away. But God loved on Paul to the point that he wants everyone else to see and experience this Jesus. He wants to talk with the kind of words that attract people to the God who loves them. Died for them.
Instead of being angry and bitter toward God and everyone, Paul’s looking to use his chains and circumstances to make God known. To show people that they’re not alone. That God knows and understands them. That God loves them. That God died for them. Now that’s a message to change a life. To change the world. A purpose for living that gives a whole new meaning to life. Now that’s not just a three penny bet, but something worth giving our whole life to.
Noodling Questions
What’s something that you’re willing to bet everything on?
Describe a time when you were willing to do the unusual.
List three chains of life that are holding you down. Holding you back.