These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.
Hebrews 11:39,40
How many jobs should we have throughout our life? How many are too many? My dad started working for Otis Elevator when he was 19, and that was it. His first job was as a helper for a fully trained elevator repairman before World War II. After serving in the Navy, he returned to Otis and worked there till he retired. That was it.
Maybe it’s just my rebellious nature, but I’ve worked for 16 different companies[1] during my career. This puts me way above the national average of 12[2] for people my age. Like I said, I’m a bit of a rebel when it comes to staying in one place and following orders.
And while there were lots of companies and lots of moves across the country, there was one thing in common for each of these 16 jobs. I was willing to leave what I knew for what I hoped for. I knew a lot about where I was working and left for a place I knew very little about.
I think this is true for all of us. Whenever we make a change, we’re leaving what we know for what we don’t. The hope for every change in life is that we’re going to some place that’s better. Better for us. Better for our family. Better for life.
Looking back over the people of faith in this chapter, the writer reminds the Hebrews that they have experienced the same thing. When it came to their lives, it wasn’t always peaches and cream. Sometimes they didn’t have a choice when it came to what happened, but they still made faith choices.
Faith choices are when we look forward to something better. It doesn’t matter whether life is good or not, faith says that changes are coming. That changes need to be made. And because God is God, they are for his glory and our good.
And that’s where we get into trouble. Yes, faith choices will bring glory to God. Yes, faith choices will be for our good. The question that gets stuck in our heads is when. When is all this going to work out for good? When are we going to receive the blessing? When is this trouble going to end?
I bet this sounds familiar to you. You’ve been stuck in a job, and there’s no way out. It’s only getting worse. You’ve been stuck in a relationship where you’re the giver and they are the taker. And they’re not interested in changing. You’ve been stuck where you live and don’t have any way to move. Anywhere to move.
The writer reminds us that these heroes of faith didn’t have an easy time of it either. They lived faithful lives. They were obedient to God, and yet none of them got what was promised. God had made many great and beautiful promises to them, but their lives ended before he delivered on them.
Of all the things that people want in their spiritual lives today, they’re looking for God to deliver on his promises now. Not later. Not somewhere down the road. Not in the sweet by and by. Right here and now. No more delays. No more waiting.
But is right now enough? Oh no. They want more than just now; they want God to do it in a big and loud way. They want their faith rewarded with live news coverage by all the major professional and social media outlets. They want their faith and God’s provision celebrated with a spiritual parade that makes the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade look small.
Now, there are times when we need a big and loud celebration of God’s goodness. When it’s right to tell the world about what God has done. To shout it from the mountaintops. To upload lots of pictures and post them on all our social media pages. To send out an email blast to everyone we know.
I hate to be the one who says this, but most of life lived here on planet Earth is not one mountaintop experience followed by another. And another. And another. Most of life is quietly lived in the backroom of life. Where no one is watching. No one is paying attention. It’s just us and God.
When God says that he’s planned something better, he means it. He has both a short-term and long-term plan. He’s doing things that we don’t know anything about. Eventually, when we get to eternity, life is going to be beyond anything we can imagine.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Ephesians 3:20,21
And the goal isn’t all about us. It’s all about his glory. God being seen for who he is. The spotlight of all creation will point to God so everyone will worship him. We’ll then see what he was doing and be able to say, “Now I understand. Everything we went through was worth it.” This is the something better that’s way above every other something better. But are we willing to wait?
Noodling Questions
Describe a time that you looked through things to find the one that was better.
How do God’s promises change your outlook on life?
Explain how something better can get you through today.