The Holy Spirit was showing by this that the way into the Most Holy Place had not yet been disclosed as long as the first tabernacle was still functioning. This is an illustration for the present time, indicating that the gifts and sacrifices being offered were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper.
Hebrews 9:8,9
We all have our favorite pictures. They may be on our phone, in our wallet, on our desk at work, or on the wall of our house. They remind us of a time that we don’t want to forget. A person that we’re in love with.
It takes work to put a picture where we can look at it without searching for it. We might have to tell our computer to show a certain picture every time it’s turned on. Or to put a piece of tape on it to hang it on our refrigerator. Or we might need to move it to one of those digital picture frames that keeps changing images. We might have to drive a nail into a wall to hang it up.
There’s a scene in the movie, Harvey, where there’s a discussion about a painting. Josephine Hull explains that a painting is very different than a photograph. While the camera only shows the reality, the painting shows much more[1].
In a real sense, this is what the writer is telling the Hebrews about the Tabernacle and God’s law. Because it’s from God, this means that it’s true. But there’s something more behind it. There’s a reality behind the picture of the Tabernacle. But it goes deeper than this.
In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.
Hebrews 1:1,2
Did you notice what’s said? God had spoken through all sorts of people in the past. He used prophets, angels, donkeys, what have you. And God used all sorts of different ways of trying to get our attention.
But now, God went in a completely different direction. But more than different in the sense of just another way. Now, God pulled out all the stops. He went to the extreme ends of the universe and sent his Son.
God didn’t just send another person, he came himself. Let that sink in for a minute. No more representatives. No more prophets. No one who’s been given a calling. No one who’s standing in for God. This time, God’s saying that he’s coming himself.
This is the miracle of Christmas. God personally came down to Earth. He no longer delegated his power or responsibility when it comes to bringing people back to the personal, intimate, completely transparent relationship we were made for with our loving creator God.
So, this means that you and I are loved so much by God that he’s not satisfied to trust us to anyone else. To make sure that all our sins are paid for, he’s going to take care of it himself. No one else. He wants that relationship restored that much.
Think about the things that you don’t trust to anyone else. When it comes being in a car, I really want to be the one driving. Then one behind the wheel. The one in charge. And why? Because I think I’m a really careful driver. I know how to move through traffic and get to the destination quickly and safely.
Now while it might be prideful to think of myself as a good driver, there’s not an ounce of pride in God thinking that he’s in the best position to make save us. After all, our sin is against him[2], so he’s in the best place to take care of it. To take care of our sins once and for all[3]. To remove our sins as far as the east is from the west[4].
While the Tabernacle was from God and completely true, it was only a picture. It wasn’t the reality. It didn’t allow everyone to personally come into the presence of God. There were all these priests, laws, rules, and regulations. The way back to God had not yet been opened.
I have a picture of Mary Ann on my desk that was taken at our wedding. It’s beautiful. It reminds me of that joyful day. It also makes me think of all the years we’ve been together. All the things we’ve been through. But as nice as that picture is, it doesn’t hold a candle to actually being with Mary Ann. To holding her hand. To listening to her ideas and words. To walking together.
This is what God wants. He wants that deeply personal relationship with us. And there’s nothing he wasn’t willing to do to open the way back to him. It took Jesus, fully God and fully man, dying on a cross to make it happen. God had to personally get involved to pay the price. No one else could do it. No pictures. No representatives. No one gets in between us and God when it comes to saving us. Our natural response is to worship and say, “How can I please the one who loves me so?”
Noodling Questions
When you think about who God is, what pictures do you see in your mind?
Why is Christmas so special to God?
How has God moved from a lifeless picture to meeting us in person?
[2] Psalm 51:4
[3] Romans 6:10
[4] Psalm 103:12