And he says in another place, “You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.”
Hebrews 5:6
They say that repetition is the best tool for memorization. That if you repeat something enough that you’ll be able to remember it. Isn’t that what all those spelling tests were about? Or those lists of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing problems were for? They were trying to get us to repeat these basic skills over and over until we had them down cold.
Some people have used this idea and built successful businesses on it. In this NY Times Best Seller, Outliers: The Story of Success[1]. Malcom Gladwell mentions the “10,000 Hour Rule” time after time. He says that to become world-class at anything, you have to do that thing for 10,000 hours. Now, in my book, that sure sounds like repetition.
Yes, the writer of this letter does like to use repetition. Like all good writers, speakers, and teachers, repetition is a great tool to drive home a point. It’s like using a hammer to drive a nail into a piece of wood. You have to hit the head a number of times before it finally goes in.
Because the Hebrews are in the middle of persecution, they need to be encouraged. They need to be uplifted. They need to be remembered in prayer. But these things aren’t enough. There will come a time when they’re all alone and the persecution will come crashing down on them. It’s then that they’ll need something more.
And that something more is to remember. They won’t be able to receive any text messages on their phones. There will be no emoji filled emails that say pointless and powerless things like “Keep on keeping on.” Or a picture of a kitten with the words “Hang in there.”
But the truth of this life is that we live life alone. Yes, we can be surrounded by family and friends. Yes, we can have hundreds, even thousands of people following us on social media. We may even have smiling people come up to us on the street to shake our hand. And all of that’s great.
Here’s where it gets tricky and lonely. As we live out our lives, there’s only one voice inside our heads all day long. There’s only one set of ears to listen to what’s being said. There’s only one set of eyes to see what’s in front and behind us.
That’s why it’s so important to control what comes through our eyes and ears. They are the gateway to get inside our minds and hearts. And more importantly than just the what that comes into our lives, we need to really think about who we let into our lives.
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23
Repetition of the truth is our best defense. That’s why we have to tell ourselves the truth. Over and over to remind ourselves of the things that we need to base our lives on. Repetition of the things of God is our most important tool for life. Without it, we’re doomed. Speaking of repetition, God tells us to use repetition. Here’s a sampling of some of my personal favorites that I repeat to myself.
Under the crushing weight of persecution, the Hebrews need to be reminded that Jesus went through persecution for them. He made the once-for-all sacrifice for sin. And since he’s our great high priest, we don’t have to sacrifice for sin anymore. Our lives are hidden in him[6] and no one can snatch us out of his hand[7].
We’re probably not going through persecution right now. There aren’t people looking to arrest us because of our faith. No one’s refusing to sell us food because of our beliefs. Posters aren’t hung up in our town, telling everyone to be on the lookout for people like us. But there’s pressure all around us. The enemy is looking to get inside out head and heart.
Yes, we have God’s Holy Spirit inside us, helping us in our weakness[8]. But we have a responsibility for what we’re putting inside. For what we’re letting get inside. And part of that same responsibility is to keep repeating the truth. Over and over, let the word of Christ continually dwell richly in us[9].
Noodling Questions
How do we repeat the important things in life?
What are the three most important things to remember about you and God?
How can we have better control over what we’re putting inside our heads?
[2] Philippians 4:4
[3] Philippians 4:8
[4] 2 Corinthians 12:8
[5] Colossians 2:6
[6] Colossians 3:3
[7] John 10:28
[8] Romans 8:26
[9] Colossians 3:16