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People need hope more than ever. As followers of Jesus, we have this promise in Colossians 1:27.....CLICK HERE



For somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day in these words: “On the seventh day God rested from all his works.” And again in the passage above he says, “They shall never enter my rest.”


Hebrews 4:4,5


Every morning that we wake up, we go through our daily routine for starting the day. Some of us turn on the coffee machine. For others, turning on the water for the shower that we desperately hope will wake us up. And then there’s those people that just turn over and go back to sleep.


For me, it will come as no surprise that the very first thing that I do is turn on my computer. This is followed by letting the dog out to do “her business.” Actually, that’s not correct. I don’t just let the dog out to do “her business,” I go out with her for two very important reasons.


  1. First, to see that she actually does “her business.”

  2. Second, to make sure she doesn’t run away.


I don’t know what a runaway dog does to you and your general state of mind, but it just drives me crazy. As you can tell by the words I write, I’m a pretty up-tight person. I like the things I like. Done the way I like. When I like them. Not that I’m a control freak or anything like that.


I really hate any disruption to my daily routine. And a runaway dog always causes a massive disruption to my morning. Or any time of day for that matter. It might only take a few minutes to get the dog back, but it personally takes hours to recover. It’s the emotional and mental strain that a part of my life is out of control.


And one of the pieces of my life that makes me feel like something is slipping out of control is rest. Actually, that’s not right. Resting isn’t hard for me, it’s downright almost impossible. Resting is probably my weakest part of life.


When I do try and take time away from doing things, I get that feeling. You know what feeling I’m talking about. It starts with a little thought way in the back of my head. There was nothing there, and then out of nothing springs the idea


  • There’s something to be done.

  • There’s something I forgot to do.

  • There’s something I’m supposed to do.

  • There’s something that people are expecting me to do.


So, as I read these words written to the Hebrews, I get it. The phrase, the promise that they shall never enter God’s rest makes a lot of sense to me. I feel that each and every day. I know what that kind of empty tiredness and disappointment is like.


But the Hebrews weren’t made to never enter into God’s rest. Just the opposite, they were made to rest in God. To have a time where they trusted in God to protect them. To take them out from under the bullies that ran their lives. To provide for their needs. To encourage them in times of darkness and disappointment.


Jesus was saying this very same thing to the Jewish leaders. He had just healed a disabled guy. But not just any invalid, this one had been disabled for 38 years. Now, we don’t know how old he was, but can you imagine his joy at being able to get up by himself again? Or how he felt at not just picking himself up, but also picking up his mat.


It’s hard for us to understand why everyone didn’t start jumping up and down with joy. But the Jewish leaders came down on Jesus like a ton of bricks. They began to persecute Jesus for doing this incredible and powerful act of mercy on a Saturday.


Now, if it was me, I’d probably head for the first available corner to hide. I like the praise of people too much. I want people to like me too much. But not Jesus. They came at him with both barrels, and Jesus stand up to them. Since they fired first, he returns fire.


In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.”


John 5:17


Jesus says more than just that it’s OK to do this on Saturday. He says that God the Father of heaven and earth is always working. The Lord of the Jewish people and leaders is working each and every day. And that this same God is his own, personal Father. This is why they flip out and try to have Jesus killed[1].


This is really convicting to me. Since God is still working, why am I afraid to rest? Why won’t I rest under the shadow of the Almighty? Why won’t I rest in his refuge and fortress[2]? Yes, this is the question I ask myself. But perhaps, this is exactly the same question you’re asking yourself each and every day. It’s time for us to enter into the rest that God’s already given. The rest he paid for in Jesus’ death on the cross. Today is the day to start resting in Jesus. Releasing all our anxiety and fears that drain all the energy out of us. Jesus is offering us his rest. Take it. Receive him today.


Noodling Questions


  • List three things that remove rest from your life.

  • What do these things do to your insides that removes rest?

  • Does rest mean no stress, tension, or anxiety? Explain

[1] John 5:18

[2] Psalm 91:1,2

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