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People need hope more than ever. As followers of Jesus, we have this promise in Colossians 1:27.....CLICK HERE

Writer's pictureChet Gladkowski

Tuesday-All Clear

For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God’s presence.


Hebrews 9:24


Once a year, my dad took his boat out of the water and brought it home. He did this to protect it from the harsh winter weather and to work on it. My job was to go with him and help wherever I could.


Now, I couldn’t drive the car, pay the toll, or pull the boat out of the water. Heck, I couldn’t even tie the boat down so it would stay on the trailer. But there was one thing that I could do. As dad backed up the boat into our driveway, I could tell him how much room he had.


While dad was behind the wheel, I went from side to side to make sure he didn’t hit anything. I’d position myself so he could see me as the boat and trailer slowly went up the driveway. As he carefully and slowly backed that boat up against the house, I let him know how much room he had. How much clearance he had between the boat and the wall.


And then there were those final, tense moments as he inched that boat and trailer nearer and nearer to the fence. I watched and told dad how much room he had. Three feet. One foot. Six inches.


Finally, when it was in just the right place, I shouted, “Stop! All clear” When I gave dad the all clear, he knew that everything was fine. The boat was where it was supposed to be. It didn’t have to go any further because it had arrived at its destination.


He then slammed on the brake and put the car into park. He hopped out of the car and we started the long, hard process of preparing the boat for winter. The first step was removing the trailer from the car followed by covering the boat with a really big piece of canvas.


With the Hebrews surrounded by persecution, they needed some assurance that God was not only in control, but that everything was going to turn out fine. They needed something to hold onto when their world came crashing down on them.


  • When family, friends, and total strangers yelled hateful words at them.

  • When people threw verbal and physical stones at them.

  • When they lost their homes and possessions.

  • When they were thrown in jail.

  • When they were tortured.

  • When they watched others go through all these things and more.

  • When they were murdered for their faith.


So, what’s the one message that the writer can give to these people that will help them? What words can they send that will encourage them? Giving them strength to never give in. To never give up. To give them hope. Well, I’ll tell you what that one message isn’t.


  • Everything in this world will be great.

  • They will be treated fairly.

  • All their prayers for health and happiness will be given to them.

  • Money will flow in to pay all their bills and more.

  • They’ll get the big house and car they want.


Unfortunately, they’re going to get the short end of the stick in this life. They’re going to lose everything they own. Their songs of praise will have screams of pain and torture mixed in. Many of them are going to become martyrs, dying for their faith.


But in spite of all this and more, there’s good news. Not good news in this world, but in the next. Not good news in this life, but in the life to come. Good news that will last into all eternity. Good news that will make all the stuff they’re going through well worth it.


The good news is right here in this one little verse. It may not have lots of words, and it might not even sound all that impressive or important. But that’s not what’s important. What is important is that it’s true.


That overwhelming truth that makes life worth living is that Jesus has once and for all entered heaven itself for us. And while that’s great, there’s more. He’s not just hanging out in heaven for you and me. Oh no, he’s right in front of God the Father. He’s in the presence of God.


Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.


Romans 8:34


Jesus has perfect, intimate fellowship with God the Father. And his personal, once-and-for-all payment for you and me brings us along, into the presence of God our loving heavenly Father. We get to share this completely transparent and intimate relationship with God. We are completely restored. No longer is there anything between us and our creator. It may sound odd, but Jesus is our “all clear” with God. As his children in Jesus, we can come boldly into the very throne room of heaven and call on the name of the Lord. Now, if that isn’t good news, I don’t know what is.


Noodling Questions


  • Describe the last time someone gave you the “all clear.”

  • Why is the fact that Jesus is in heaven good news?

  • How can the good news of Jesus transform us?

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