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Tuesday-Standup Pioneer


In bringing many sons and daughters to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the pioneer of their salvation perfect through what he suffered.


Hebrews 2:10


I learned early in life that to be a leader, you had to be seen. You had to stand out from the rest of the crowd. You walked out from everyone else and stood alone. Leadership started out as a lonely business.


My first and most powerful lessons in lonely leadership started during recess in elementary school. As soon as our teacher said that it was recess, we ran like crazy from the classroom to play Kickball[1] or Greek Dodge[2] on the playground. But to start, we first had to pick teams.


This meant that two people were chosen through a very scientific procedure that took every possible piece of information into account. The two most popular and coolest people stepped out and started picking people that they thought would help them win.


Being a totally uncool kid, I NEVER was a team captain in school. I was usually picked somewhere towards the end. Just by looking at me you could instantly tell that I wasn’t very athletic. After all, I could trip over the smallest crack in the sidewalk, even those tiny, hairline cracks that are almost invisible to the naked human eye. And being somewhat clumsy, catching anything was always risky business.


So, when it comes to God sending his savior and paying for our debt to himself, it can’t be invisible like a spirit. They have to be like you and me. They have to be seen. They have to be up front like a leader. And to use the words of the writer to the Hebrews, they have to be a pioneer.


A pioneer is someone who goes first. They take the lead. In other words, they are leaders. But Jesus isn’t just any old leader. You see, there are leaders and then there are leaders. Jesus says that he’s the one and only leader, champion, and pioneer who came from heaven.


Jesus doesn’t wait around for people to figure this out. Oh no, he speaks up in public and in ways that leaves no doubt about who he is. When Jesus says that he’s the one and only way[3], he leaves no wiggle room for himself or the people listening. He’s claiming to not only be the leader on the road to God, but the road itself.


I don’t know about you, but that takes my breath away. And if it doesn’t take your breath away, please make sure you’ve got a pulse. Jesus makes the most outrageous statements and claims about himself. No one, and I mean no one else even comes close.


Jesus doesn’t think of himself as just another guru, philosopher, teacher, prophet, priest, apostle, seer, or any other kind of religious or spiritual leader. Jesus clearly thinks that he’s not just different than all other religious leaders, he claims to be wildly different from every other person who’s stepped on the planet.


And then there’s another thing. If Jesus only said something like this one time, then people could start making excuses for him. “You see, it’s obvious that Jesus was tired and just said the wrong thing. We’ve got to let him walk it back. Correct himself. Fix what he said.” But Jesus doesn’t give us this option.


I and the Father are one.


John 10:30


How could Jesus be just another guy when he says these kinds of things about himself. He’s either who he said he was or he’s a raving lunatic. Jesus separates himself from everyone else claims to be the one and only God, creator, and savior. Period. There’s no confusing what he said about himself. He never says that I’m just another teacher. His own words make him unique. Exclusive.


But to what end? What purpose? His birth, life, death, and resurrection are to not just give us another kind of salvation. The salvation that Jesus offers is a perfect salvation. His salvation delivers us to God without any sin. No spots or imperfections. No blemishes or dirt.


How does he do this? Because Jesus is the one and only pioneer who can perfect us. He stands alone as the captain of history and all eternity. He’s the single and unique leader who can take us to heaven with him.


No one else says that they’ve taken care of all our sins. No one else says that they’ve paid the full price for all our wrongdoing. No one else says that they’re the creator of the universe. No one else even comes close. As a matter of fact, everyone else says that it’s up to us to save ourselves. To pay for our own mistakes.


Yes, Jesus alone is our standup pioneer. He stands up for us. He stands in our place. He pays for you and me to be reunited with God. Now that’s someone worth living for.


Noodling Questions


  • Do you find it easy to stand up to be seen? Explain why/why not.

  • What could make Jesus claim to be one with God the Father?

  • How can we better stand up for Jesus in our daily lives?

[3] John 14:6

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